2016 Photos

Knight of the Year – Bob White


 Family of the Year – the Paul Miner Family


Our council is very active assisting our parish, St. Anne’s, with maintenance, improvements and community service. Here is Mike Dlugoss and Paul Miner helping to paint the exterior of Hardy Hall.

Woodcutting and Firewood Sales is an ongoing project because of generous help of the Brothers.

Once a quarter, our council prepares and host a fundraising pancake breakfast. In 2016, we were bless to have two high school students, Amanda(4th pic) and Lukas(2nd pic) Miner, (Paul Miner) assist us. They have greatly helped to expand and improve the menu and taste.

Thanks to the donations of brother Frank & his wife Cathy Genovese, for the second year in a row our council had another successful fundraiser selling fresh homegrown produce

Wine tasting has always been a good success and a good time. The monastery  for the Sisters of Mount Tabor were the lucky beneficiaries of this years fundraiser

Our council tried something new this year. We sponsored the Bob Knowles Memorial Shoot in Grand Blanc. We had good participation for our first effort thanks to Bill Venglar’s initiating

The Fourth Degree in the opening procession for our quarterly Corporate Communion Mass

For the third year in a row, our council has donated enough books to the parish for distribution to all attending the three Mass’.  Each year, a different book written by Catholic writer and speaker Matthew Kelley, was given to parishioners.


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