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Thank you Speech award diner 2024

For those who don’t know, I’m Bryan Born, the current Grand Knight of our council. Thank you for celebrating with us. I created a little slideshow again this year, but before we begin I’d like a moment to give thanks. 

Knights and Gentlemen, would you please join me in a round of applause
for our unsung heroes here tonight: the wives and ladies of our parish! 

A prime example of wives being heroes: I’d like to thank Jeff Mackey, my worthy deputy Grand knight for organizing this Dinner.
Who is the first person he turned to? Stephanie, Who muscled the tables into position yesterday with Jeff,  set the tables, chose the flowers, the desserts, Coordinated it all with Jeff.  Wives are the reason Knights look Good!

From my records, the following representatives of the
Family of the Month Award are here:

Kathleen Russell Sharon Gibbons Angie Sheperd
Lauren ApChinsky Cheryl Coronado  Cathy Genovese
Alison Elmes Christine Putt Joyce Delasko
Jodi Hall Erica Miner Cynthia Potts
Ellen Johnson Gayle Jisa Cindy Travis
Eileen Delasko Stephanie Mackey Sue White 
Shirley Klimek Mary Simon Sue Kelty

And Melissa Szasz wanted to be here, but she took one for the team and sent her husband instead. That’s how much we need our wives!

I’d like to take a moment to thank my wife CAROL. She’s truly
God’s Greatest Gift to me, and we’re celebrating 32 years next week. 

Next I would like to thank Fr. John, who has been to more Knights functions than
all other priests combined. He’s poured beer at the RenFest, Blessed the Woodlot, hauled freshly painted benches, and Picked his share of pumpkins. 

Our Charge reads: In Solidarity with our Priests, and it’s easy to be with a priest such as Fr John. 

I’d like to thank Joe Claya our Treasurer, who I turned to many times for the statistics for the slideshow. And I couldn’t do it without the detailed minutes that our Recorder John Hansel provided. I start each slideshow by reading the minutes from the last year. Thank you John. 

Any measure of leadership success I attribute to having good mentors.
Past Grand Knights Paul Miner and Jim Russell have been a constant source of wisdom and guidance. And I’ve found a new friend and mentor in our Worthy District Deputy Chris Shoyer. 

I apologize if I’ve missed anyone. If I reached out to you to come, you are important to me and appreciated. 

I’d like to conclude my appreciation by mentioning the Pillars of our Council:

Carl Szasz– Without the use of his land for a base of woodlot operations, a large fundraiser simply wouldn’t exist,

Our Knight of the Year Greg Thurk, for leading the firewood project,

Past Grand Knight Jim Kelty, Who heads up the Coats for Kids donations and
the Funeral Rosary Ministry, 

Past Grand Knight Paul Miner, who leads the Pumpkin Picking and
the pancake breakfasts, 

Gary Putt, who heads our profitable Tootsie Roll Drive year after Year, 

Past Grand Knight Jim Russell; who is Co-Lead on the Ren Fest, and led the Bench refurbishment, 

Past Grand Knight Ken Sheperd, who is co-lead on the Ren Fest, participates in most activities and has been our Financial secretary for years, and


Past Grand Knight Bill Venglar. Also a Co-Lead at the Renaissance Festival,
Bill is the lead on Adopt a road,
Keep Christ in Christmas Poster contest,
Franks Farm Market, and
the Bob Knowles Charity shoot. 

Any measure of appreciation for the slideshow should include those who make the photos worth taking.

Vivat Jesus, 

Bryan Born, Grand Knight

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