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Bulletin Entry

Words from a hymn from last Sunday struck me. I believe each Knight (and indeed, each parishioner) can reflect upon them in their prayers and gain insight.
I thought I’d share a portion of it:

We are many parts,
We are all one body.
And the gifts we have,
We are given to share.

May the spirit of love,
Make us one in deed;

One, the love that we share,
One, our hope in despair,
One the cross that we bear.

As Knights you’re hard-wired to give of yourself. Be sure to reach out for God’s gifts in others when you have a cross of your own to bear.

The February General Meeting will be held one hour earlier, beginning at 6:30pm to allow time for our Coneys and Cornhole Fraternal event immediately after the meeting. All Knights in good standing are welcome, no fee to attend. See last week’s email for details.  Contact me with any questions.

Vivat Jesus

Bryan Born
Grand Knight St Anne #6824

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