st blaise dsc 7548

St Blaise, Patron Saint of Otorhinolaryngologists

Many Catholics might remember Saint Blaise’s feast day, February 3, because of the Blessing of the Throats that take place on or around that day. Two candles are blessed, held slightly open, and pressed against the throat as the blessing is said.

A bishop and eventual martyr, Blaise of Sebaste began his spiritual journey as a hermit. He was a physician and known to be a miracle worker. He practiced the medicine of his time and is included in the group of the “14 holy helpers” of the Catholic Church — called that because they are considered effective intercessors against certain ailments of the body and soul.

Tradition has it that one day Bishop Blaise saved a child who had choked on a fish bone-which created the custom of blessing the throats on his feast day. That same fact made him the patron saint of otorhinolaryngologists (ear-nose-throat doctors), and those with throat maladies.

AHEM! (that’s me clearing my throat for attention) The KofC general meeting will begin an hour EARLY on Tuesday, February 11th, to make room for a council-wide Fraternal event (watch for details in your email). All Knights and honored guests are welcome.

Vivat Jesus

Bryan Born, Grand Knight

Always available: 248-891-9118

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