
Support March for Life

SUPPORT MARCH FOR LIFE: Today at 2:00pm we are joining other KofC Councils in our Family of Parishes in creating a Life Chain. In solidarity with the March for Life activities, all interested are welcome to come to the Southbound side of Dixie Highway at White Lake Road (parking in the Office Depot lot). Signs provided. The Life Chain will be held from 2pm-3:30pm.

Our Knight of the Month for January 2025 is a consistently devout Catholic, often seen helping out at weekday and Sunday masses. He has been a member of the St Anne Parish for decades, and was our Grand Knight back in 2011.  This past Christmas he attended multiple masses to ensure there were ushers to support each mass. We are honored to present the Knight of the Month for January 2025 to Mark Kwiatkowski.

The weekly fellowship time after both Sunday masses is cherished by many parishioners, and is fueled by donuts, coffee and fruit. The Hall family steps up every few weeks to coordinate this. Jodi routinely drives at 7am on Sunday to Oxford to retrieve the preordered food while Jeff starts the coffee service. They also enhance the fellowship atmosphere by welcoming those who attend and chatting with them, and they stay till the last dregs have been served to clean up afterward.

Jodi is the meal mastermind behind many of our recent events. The Fr. Tommy Celebration, the Fr. John Meet n Mingle, and who can forget the phenomenal success of our Kitchen Fundraiser. Jodi is the culinary architect and Jeff often wears the apron behind the scenes. Jeff has held the officer position of Advocate for as long as I can recall.  James Hall has been an increasingly active young adult in our parish, serving both as a lector and usher. He’s also a member of the youth group.

The Hall family have shown the commitment to our Parish family, and they are our Family of the Month for January 2025.

Please join me in praying for our monthly award recipients, and thank them for their outstanding service.

Vivat Jesus,

Bryan Born, Grand Knight

(248) 891-9118

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