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I’ve been reflecting upon the word Grant in my daily prayers, and I’ve compiled a short prayer to share with you:

May the Lord grant us the wisdom
to see each blessing in our daily lives,
to see each challenge as a gift of learning,
And to resist taking our blessings for granted.

May the blessed light of the Coming of the Lord shine in everything you do this holiday season.

Bryan Born, Grand Knight

Knight of the Month Award: Our unanimous honoree this month is truly an exemplary Knight. He demonstrates his Faith in weekly church attendance with his wife and children. He leads our council as an officer in multiple roles. He leads by example in community involvement, most recently by administrating our yearly CandyCane CHRISTmas Tree Farm parking fundraising event. He devoted even more time and energy by stepping into the Big Guy’s role for the Farm in addition to his duties as a new KofC Field Agent. We are honored to present the Knight of the Month award to Chris Apczynski.

December showcases two exemplary Catholic families.  Two Active Knights in our council and their  wives recently stepped up to provide critical support for  the CandyCane CHRISTmas Tree Farm, they ensured a safe parking environment for families to experience their Christmas tradition. They worked as an admirable team and showed outstanding support for the local community. We are blessed to grant the Family of the Month to two couples this month: Raoul and Cheryl Coronado, and Kevin and Kathy Booms.

Please join me in congratulating and  praying for these outstanding members of our parish community.

Bryan Born, Grand Knight

Available anytime: (248) 891-9118

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