Fraternity at the woodlot with Mike Dlugoss (Knight of the Month March 2023), Greg Thurk (Knight of the year 2024) Raoul Coronado (Knight of the Month July 2024)

Third core principle: Fraternity

The Knights’ third core principle is Fraternity. In 2023 the Knights organization topped 49 million volunteer hours (compared to Kiwanis or Masons at 18 million each). At St. Anne’s there are over 100 Knights sitting in pews next to you. I estimated 80% of the gentlemen at last week’s 10:30am mass were current Knights. We serve the parish, our families, our community. Some can only devote a few hours a year. What do we say to that? We gratefully thank them and call them Brother Knights. 

Come shake my hand next week; I’d like to call you Brother as well.

Bryan Born, Grand Knight
Reach out any time: Text/Call (248) 891-9118

Frank’s Farm Market is open for your surplus produce.  If you would like to donate produce for charitable donations, please contact Bill Venglar (248) 909-2136

Renaissance Festival fundraiser signup is wrapping up. Contact Bill Venglar or Ken Sheperd for assistance (313) 574-2171

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