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Fourth Core Principle: Patriotism

Our final core principle is Patriotism. Members of the Knights of Columbus are proud of our devotion to God and country, and we believe in standing up for both. Whether it’s in public or private, the Knights remind the world that Catholics support our nation and are amongst the greatest citizens.

Frank’s Farm Market is open for your surplus produce.  If you would like to donate produce for charitable donations, Drop them off before any mass, or in the kitchen after noon on Saturday.  For questions contact Bill Venglar (248) 909-2136

Renaissance Festival fundraiser signup is wrapping up. Contact Bill Venglar or Ken Sheperd for assistance (313) 574-2171

A special thank you to Jim Russell and Jeff Mackey for their assistance in the bench renovation. Over 40 man hours were required to scrape, sand and stain the four teak benches residing in our entry courtyard.

Bryan Born, Grand Knight
Reach out any time: Text/Call (248) 891-9118

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