August Knight of the Month
John Szedlak has been a pillar of devoted service in our parish community. He is seen leading the Rosary on Third Saturdays; you can see his smiling face bagging produce at Franks’ produce popup stand; he was a standout supporter of the recent 4th of July Parking event to encourage safe festivities. Behind the scenes he has been voted to the position of Trustee by his peers.
August Family of the Month
Mike and Ellen Johnson are longstanding members of the St Anne community. They are present and supportive at the daily masses, at Rosaries, and in conducting rosaries at funeral services. If you order firewood from the Knights, chances are Mike has had a hand in making that stack.
Please pray for them and thank them when you see them next.
Frank’s Farm Market is open for your surplus produce. If you would like to donate produce for charitable donations, Drop them off before any mass, or in the kitchen after noon on Saturday. For questions contact Bill Venglar (248) 909-2136
Bryan Born, Grand Knight
Reach out any time: Text/Call (248) 891-9118