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Introducing Grand Knight Bryan Born

I want to reflect on a small portion of last Sunday’s Letter of Saint Paul:

 “I begged the Lord about this, that it might leave me,
but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you,
for power is made perfect in weakness.”

I strive for perfection, and I fail. But I try harder each day.

I grew up Catholic, attending Our Lady of the Lakes through High school.
I spent 7 years in the Folk group there playing the drums.
I went back after 8 years of college to marry my college sweetheart at Lakes Parish.
I’d still be there if I hadn’t fallen in love with the community of St Anne’s. 

I’ve been a full time doctor of chiropractic in Southfield for 33 years.
I’m still hard at work, but I believe this is a good time to devote to being Grand Knight because no grandkids have shown up yet. I joined the Knights because
Dave Pearce showed me that men really do reverently pray together.
What we stand for is important to me and I want to give all I can to nurture it. 

I’m 10 years sober last week. I thought quitting cold turkey was fitting on Independence day. 

I think I damaged my ears playing drums for so long. I have tinnitus,
which the doctors sa0y is like having a conversation driving down the road with the windows open. Hearing aids are a mixed blessing. They amplify my hearing,
but they also increase the tinnitus with certain noises.
For me, crowd noise is like listening to a good ballgame on the radio, but suddenly at the bottom of the 9th the signal fades and the static turns into some Canadian gospel music. 

I’m not perfect, and I hate to admit it.

So I’m asking for your patience and support. I’ll ask we adhere a bit closer to the official meeting rules, and have one person speak at a time. If you want the floor, please stand and say Worthy Grand Knight (it looks good when the district Deputy shows up, and I’ll know you’re trying to get my attention). I’ll swipe sideways to acknowledge you.
I’ll also stop the meeting if I can’t hear you.
The person who has the floor deserves our respect.

Don’t be long winded or I’ll stand back up and rush you. I’m really shooting for a
59 minute meeting each month. 

The values of the Knights of Columbus really resonate with me: Charity, Unity and Fraternity. I’m excited to be all that with you for the next 2 years and beyond. 

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